Finished and Delivered!
I have come back from my big trip to Holland. 750 miles driven in the car in 5 days, celebrated my mum's birthday, visited some friends and even more shops (no, no quiltshops, this was mum's time so no time for that....) as well as doing several things together that are definitely easier with two.
I now need a week's holidays at least to recover ! (but thank you Lauranie for wishing me a restful time... I somehow suspected it would be rather busy!!) but it was nice to go and see my mum and after all, a change is as good as a rest so the saying goes...
I also had the chance to catch up with a dear friend I don't often see, and her family which was absolutely wonderful.
Ok, you all want to know about the quilt.... well....I machine pieced it, hand appliqued and hand quilted it. I spent the night before her birthday sewing the label on still and here it is ;
The back;
and the happy birthday girl herself with the quilt;
And Sweet Mum liked it very much! She says thank you very much to all who wished her a happy birthday around the world.
I'll catch up with everyone later in the week (and with my other posts and things...) trying to get straight and into the groove again first! It was only a week but it feels like I have been away for ever!
The quilt is beautiful and I love the photo with your mom -- so very, very lovely!
OH WOW, you quilt turned out incredible-y!!!! I cannot believe you got that all finished in time, label and all. And it looks fabulous. This is one stunning quilt. I love the photo of your lovely Mum with her new quilt stitched with so much love by you! And what a trip, so lovely to catch up with loved ones we haven't seen in ages isn't it? Lovely to have you home too xo
Welcome back! Your Mum looks so happy with her quilt and the quilt just turned out beautiful! You would never know what you'd been through making it. You've done such a fabulous job!
It's simply exquisite! You really do amaze me with all you do and how well you do it! Your sweet Mum must feel very loved.
Hi MUM!!! Gosh, it's so nice to see her pretty, smiling face, Marguerite. What a fun and lovely looking lady she is! I'm so glad you had a nice visit and had time with friends and family, what a treat. And thanks to YOU for letting us all be a part of Sweet Mum's quilt and birthday.
As for that quilt. HOLY. COW. That is a masterpiece and I'm sure she's treasuring it as we speak. You are quite the quilter, you are! I wouldn't ever attempt anything like that, waaaaaay too complicated for me. And handquilting? My word, girl! You are amazing.
Glad you're home, you've been gone for EVER!
Amazing quilt. . . . The quilt and your Mum both look beautiful!
You've gone above-and-beyond and created a stunning work. HUGE kudos to you, it's gorgeous!
Absolutely amazing!!!!! Fantastic job. Well done you! And your Mum looks tickled pink!
Oh my goodness you finished it!!! Well done you clever thing! Gosh and doesn't it look grand with all that fancy stitching. Bet your Mum is really enjoying her gift of love. You did real good!! Be very proud of yourself.
Great job!! It turned out so beautiful, truly a masterpiece filled with love in every stitch. Your sweet mum looks so happy, and I am sure will feel the love from you rubbing off everytime sees and uses this loving wonderful quilt.
Welcome Home!!
Thanks for sharing the pics of your Mum and her quilt. You know the quilt looks better with the applique in the corners - isn't it funny how life works out. What a wonderful piece you have created - congrats girl!!
The quilt is just stunning and the photo with your Mom is just one to treasure forever! Pesistance rewarded!
What a joy it is to make something by hand for those we love. Your persistence paid off, turning what was not working out into something absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with all of us.
WOW! That quilt is just fabulous! I love the name "Sweet Mum", so very fitting. I'm glad you got to go, I hope recover quickly!
It is a gorgeous quilt and the name is just perfect for it. Glad that you had a break away a bit.
Enjoy the quilt!
It is beautiful! Well done and your mum looks so happy and very sweet!
WOW!! Amazingly beautiful!! And you HAND quilted it....WOW!! I am so glad you were able to finish it in time! You did an awesome job, and your mum is a beautiful happy and proud of her baby's creation!! Glad you made it home, safe!
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