and a clear day.
A snowstorm drifted in from the sea, but stayed offshore..
it tried to snow ... but after a few flakes... that was it!!
So... as Maria, who is staying with me at the moment, really wanted to see Dover Castle, off we went to Dover! Where we met an almost empty (but open)castle, with enthousiastic guides everywhere who were glad to see a living soul!!
It was VERY cold however, so wrapping up was the order of the day.... (Maria is in there somewhere!)
The King's bed with real grey squirrel fur, looked very inviting...
Then.... REAL snow started to fall with a vengeance and we hurried home...
"Where's the road gone?" situation a one point...
but we never really were in any danger (do not worry Dee!!) and made it home absolutely fine!
That squirrel fur cover is so revoltingly beautiful, fascinating. The work that must have gone into it. No more snow up here but what we had remains with us and icicles over a metre long brrrr.
That's so great that Maria is getting to stay with you a bit. I know her mom is glad that if she can't be home she at least has someone looking out for her.
Absolutetly right Greta...if shc can't be home at least she is safe and getting some Christmas cheer with Marg!! Thanks Pal!!
This is the first year she has not been home the week before now we just need to hope that Christmas Day there isn't snow because that is when her flight comes in....and I hate to say it but snow IS in the forcast!
i'm sure you are right Greta and that is what her mum must think... I am just glad she could come as she is a great girl and a lovely guest. An asset to the family!
Who would've thought you would have a snow storm after such a beautiful sunrise. Nice for you to have some female company in your home Marguerite
Stunning pictures...though those driving one's look scary!
Keep safe! and
Merry Christmas!
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