HURRAH !!!! Another Super Exciting thing today....
Lizzie of A House in the Country sent me a HUGE tutorial on how to do this and I now CAN post my pictures from Picasa to Blogger!!!
Thank you SO much Lizzie and thanks to Cathy of Cabbage Quilts who also emailed me with advice.
You have no idea what a trouble I have had trying to find this out by myself... and seeing how it is done, I would not have found that in a million years!
No too hard once you know.... if you don't... impossible!!
What a day... both winning EQ7 AND getting the use of my photos back... YAY!!
Update: It seems my lovely large photo gets cut off... will work on that another day folks.. so far so good :-)
update 2; Yay! Thanks again Lizzie!
You are very welcome my special friend, it was entirely my pleasure. I think you're getting cut off because you are posting the photo large, you need to post it at the 'medium 400px' size. Simple, you can do it.....
So pleased you have (almost) sorted this out - I was no help at all!
Bit worried about your lovely quilt though - what if there is beach tar or a freak big wave takes it out to sea?! Yikes!
Thanks Lizzie! My photo now fits!! Sorted!
No fear Jo, the waves are far away and although it looks as if the quilt is on the sand, it is in fact on the (dry) stones of the breakwater!
As if I would let anything happen to my quiltie !!!
The complete photo comes through in Google Reader, so no problems there. I love the ship in the background!
WhoooHoooo.....winner in a giveaway and winner in blogging photos....great day all get to creating!;)
Yay!! I am so glad you can get your beautiful pictures now! I now how frustrating it is when you DON'T KNOW something on the computer. I'm usually missing a tiny click in a small box under a tab under "options" or some other minuscule thing I would never find on my own. Thank goodness for people who share their knowledge!
I second that Molly! It's just as you say! There was a step (or two) I was missing out!
Your blog is very interesting, and your quilts and items are most beautiful, my dear friend. Thank you for sharing. Happy quilting!
yah your beach shots are back. It seems to be the week for showing them again isn't it.
What stunning photos! I love the way the quilts seem to just relax into the ocean view.
I wish I had someone to help me with all my blog questions. I would love to be part of the Bloggers Quilt Festival by Amy's Creative Side but I have no idea how to 'link'. Lots of quilts to share but no idea where to start!
Any suggestions?
Keep up the great work
Suz, I have left you a comment on your blog, email me!
Fabulous, see, you are an expert now :o)
Are your photos on flickr - I'd love to dave your beach hut one, it's fab!
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