I started in the middle as I read somewhere you should do, and anticipated doing one end, then turning and doing the other, so (in theory) you only have half the quilt under the machine... However, I find that I quilt best when 'writing' from right to left, so all the material is bunching up under the machine (instead of disappearing where there is space... ), and I just don't have the space there !
I find with the quilting, that once I have made a successful swirl and know where I am going, I speed up and end up with giant stiches. If I am not sure where to go next, I hestitate and have the stitches teeny weeny... I'd rather not stop the flow if I can help it,as again, when I start again you really see it as the stitch seem to 'jump' to a great length away!
You can see here how uneven it is, but hey, it is all learning and I'm sure I'll get better... (she said encouraging to herself...) I am sure it would be much easier if the pattern were to be drawn out on the quilt but I have not learnt how to do that (grafite paper does not work..).
Just wanted to let you guys know I've started...so work is actually in progress!
Looks great if you ask me!!! More than great actually. It looks fantastic!
It looks very well done, even in the spotlight you are putting on it! :) I do understand about the stitching getting longer and shorter! I ONCE tried free motion, it scared me so much, I haven't tried it since!! I think once you are finished you will have it all under control! The colors are so pretty in this quilt! xo
Have you seen this post about quilting sideways? http://millionsofthoughtstrappedinmyhead.blogspot.com/2009/07/machine-quilting-perpendicular-way.html
The next time I do a quilt, I'm going to try it out... (because I pretty much suck at it too!). But good for you for getting started! :)
It looks great! I'm determined to be able to FMQ my projects but so far have only had the guts to try a small table runner. I think I just need to sit down and do it! Your quilt is beautiful!
From what I can see, it looks great! Keep practicing and you'll have it perfected in no time!
Actually I think you are doing very well with your stitches, nice stipple loops. You know what they say, practice makes perfect and that truly is the case with freemotion quilting. It's certainly worth it. I love the colours of that quilt. xo
I think you are doing a fantastic job with the quilting, well done. I can't wait to see a finished picture.
it's looking very good indeed! Great job on the quilting!
Your quilt is looking great!! I think everyone struggles with the quilting part at times but it definately becomes more fun the more you do!! I find put your foot down on the pedal but move your quilt more slowly as you go works for me!
I think it looks great Marg! You know what helps me is getting some dishwashing gloves or gardening gloves with rubber on the palms to help you grip. I also read to relax your jaw and shoulders which can help with jerky movement. I think it looks wonderful though! I can't do free motion on my machines....the tension never gets quite right. Once it gets washed and dried you won't be able to tell the imperfections. I love the colors, it is really beautiful!
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