Who would have thought I'd get to 100... and so quickly! Certainly not me!! When I started blogging I didn't know how to get past the first few as I thought I did not have anything to say.... (or to show....).
The difference with now is staggering! Looking back and taking stock I can see how I built up more confidence in my posts. Not in the least due to all you lovely peeps commenting and supporting me!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH to each and every one who has ever commented, emailed, encouraged, helped and cheered me up when I was down. It has been a fantastic first 100 and I am thankful for the good friends I have made online, the great support they have given me and the wonderful things they so generously send!
On the quilting front I have also improved and especially Dana and The Old Red Barn Co Quilting Group have made such a difference! I have moaned, they have put up with it and given me tireless and loving advice. I know so much more now!! I'm looking forward to rejoining the collective quilting effort. A fantastic group. Thanks all so much guys in there, especially the regulars, you know who you are ! (I'm not going to list for fear of missing someone! there are too many anyway....)
As a thank you for all your support I have put together the following, which is what you all want to know about:
First prize:
Second Prize;
Third Prize;
Fourth Prize;
Fifth and Sixth Prize;
Anyone is welcome to enter and gets one point (one chance) for a comment. I will print them, cut them up and stick them in a jar (not really a spreadsheet girl or software engineer.... so more of a hands on affair this time).
Extra points (and chances) can be earned by telling me about where you live as explained below.
All my followers can get one extra chance for following me, just make a separate comment to say you are a follower and actually still following (some of you are awfully quiet!)
All my regular commenters will get extra points commensurate with how often they have commented. You can see how it is much easier for me to print and cut than do a course in computer sofware.. I will add comments as they come in!
1) leave me a comment for one chance to win. preferably something I would like to read, like who you are, which crafts you like to do, something funny that happened today... which prize you particularly like... Anything rather than 'Pick Me!'.
2) leave me a separate comment if you do the following....;
You can earn 10 (that's right TEN!!) extra chances if you read my previous post on 'Introducing Ramsgate' and do a similar post on YOUR blog (leaving me a link) showing me where YOU live. It doesn't need to be a book... just a few photos and lines to show us around and give us a flavour of your surroundings. It would be GREAT to get to know you! (and I give you ten extra because I know it's a bit of a job... but it would be super if you could....)
(On this option you only have to leave one comment, I will read your entry and automatically add 10 chances to the jar.)
3) if you are a follower, give me a separate comment saying so and your extra point gets added.
4) if you are a regular commenter, your extra points for commenting are allready in the jar... there is a bit of a leaguetable on this (I have gone back and read and counted each and every comment) and the regular peeps are sticking out way above everybody else!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH to each and everyone of you. It is a privilige to have the opportunity to know you all and join you in all the fun we have online!
The giveaway will stay open till Saturday 12 December, to give you all a chance to get that camera out and snap away in your town! (or wood, or beach... etc etc...:-)
Last but not least; GOOD LUCK!!!
Update: Make sure you leave me a way to contact you! If I have no blog or mail address I cannot reach you !
A little about myself. I now live in the midlands, in a small market town. I love using my hands keeping me out of trouble, smock, sew, knit, crochet, embriodery, you name it, I have probably tried it. Oh almost for got, patchwork and quilting. I did read your last blog, and it took me back about 20 years, when we lived just north of Rochester and Ramsgate was a day trip with my children--- Oh happy days. Love your give away, and I would love any of the gifts.
You may be able to see that I have had trouble posting my comments, but just incase you do not get the original I will repeat all.....
A little about myself. I now live in the midlands, in a small market town. I love using my hands keeping me out of trouble, smock, sew, knit, crochet, embriodery, you name it, I have probably tried it. Oh almost for got, patchwork and quilting. I did read your last blog, and it took me back about 20 years, when we lived just north of Rochester and Ramsgate was a day trip with my children--- Oh happy days. Love your give away, and I would love any of the gifts.
No trouble at all Jo, both times came through perfectly! Thanks for your nice entry. Glad it brought back happy memories!
HI! Congrats on your 100th post, and how generous of you to have a giveaway to celebrate!!
I live in the Pacific Northwestern US, near Seattle. I teach art to children, and quilt and try other art/craft stuff in my free time, though there is never enough time for all my ideas!! Our five kids are grown, and our four grandkids are growing...Can't get enough of them either!!
Love to win the jelly roll to make more quilts or the journal to design more quilts. I am doing the ORB quilt along and came here from there. Still haven't won anything yet but maybe this time around. I fit quilting in in fits and starts between family and work. My husband would love to sail and I want a dog like yours! No time to blog so no extra points for me.
Nifty! I am Jenna, from Illinois, USA. I love quilting, crocheting and trying new things like wire craft. Yesterday I won a pie-baking contest here at work so I am feeling lucky! (I made our family recipe German Chocolate Pecan Pie and it turned out splendid!)
Aaacckk!! What a great giveaway! Congratulations on your 100th post!
I am in North Carolina, USA. I love to quilt but love crafts in general. I'd love to learn to knit. I also love soap making and photography.
Well you have got to 100 posts quickly. Congrats. You know a little about me already but no harm in repetition - I am a intermittent blogger, quilting dreamer, dog lover, mom, wife and housing planner in Canada.
I have read your Ramsgate blog and hope to post on my blog about my neighbourhood - so wish me luck that I get it done. Will leave another comment if I do.
Congrats on your 100th post!
I decided to do a little blog post too about my town!
Wow, what a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!
I am delighted to become a follower of your fantastic blog.
Hi I'm Susan from Baltimore, Maryland. I'm a recent quilter..just started in July, I also cross stitch, crochet, Love to read and a watch TV. I'm also doing the ORB quilt a long and learning new things about quilting all the time.
Congratulations!! 100 is a BIG deal...I'm so proud of how far we have come!! Your quilting skills continue to impress me everytime you start and finish a new one!! I can only hope to aspire to be as patient and talented as you!!
Ok..you know about me already...but here goes...I am a SAHM to 3 beautiful and lively little ones ages 7, 3, and 18 mo!! I sew, machine embroider, knit, crochet, and just a little hand embroidery/stitching. I love to create and do new things so I have tried lots of things! I've done a few quilts but nothing as spectactular as yours!! :D
I enjoy reading about other's craftyness and having a little peek inside their lives...it makes me feel that I am doing things right and am not alone in both my creative life and journey to be a good momma!! I will squeeze in a post about my little corner of the world...Lafayette, Louisiana...soon!!
I am a proud follower!! And I forgot to tell you....WOW!!! What AWESOME giveaway stuff!! You ROCK, girl!! :)
Hi! I'm Molly from the ORB quilt-a-long site on flickr. I live in a little rural town in Western New YOrk, USA, called Albion. Not too exciting but it does have some beautiful scenery and has four lovely seasons. We are entering winter now and today we had a our first snowfall!
I made my first real quilt with the first quilt a long and now I'm piecing together my crazy nine patch. I can't believe how far I've come in such a short time! I love our group and how much we've all grown. That quilt you made for your mother was just breathtaking! I made my mom some quilted placemats in June and I thought I was so hot ... now I'm a little shamed.
It is so nice to have friends in different parts of the world. Sometimes I'll mention something one of my "friends" did and when asked who I'll say, "Oh, my friend in Scotland" and I get the strangest looks. Outsiders just don't understand the on-line quilting world!
Thanks for the fun giveaway and for sharing your corner of the world. I don't have a blog but maybe someday ... when I get more interesting!
Was Ramsgate in the book the Shellseekers? It sound so familiar . . . .
Wow, you are SO sweet! I've really appreciated all the terrific things I've learned via ORBC, and you've been a major contributor!
I live in a very small New England town, will create a post if I can egt out during daylight to get decent pix!
Congrats on turning 100, you don't look a post over 35! lol
Hi, Marguerite, it's me, Susan/FlossieBlossoms! I love that notebook, look at those colors, it's so me!
I've been sewing like a crazy woman, trying to get a lot done before the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day tomorrow and of course, my boss picked NOW to call me into work! Arrrgh. If he hadn't, I'd do the "where I live" post, but I won't have time.
You have a great giveaway going, thanks for the chance to win!
And I'm a follower, too!
Congrats on 100 posts! I live in a suburb of Minneapolis Minnesota named Shakopee. My blog is named for the Badlands near where I grew up in SW North Dakota...a month or so my photos of home were featured on the Selvedge Blogs quilters view.
Well, I'll have yo know that I do follow your blog...with a name like sailing in there, how could I not? =) I just wanted to leave a little comment to wish you many, many , MANY more adventures in sailing and quilting for you to share with us. Congratulations on reaching this grand milestone. I think we are all amazed at how much we really do have to share once we get going.
No need to enter me in the giveaway, I just wanted to extend my congratulations, 100 posts is no small feat! Way to go! B=)
Congratulations on your 100th post! Gosh you know all about me already....so I'll tell you someting random you don't know. In the summer months I LOVE to get out in the surf on my boogie board and catch waves with my daughters. So much fun and very addictive. I also love to go tramping in the bush surrounding our town.
I will be taking photos of my town in the weekend and will get a post up asap.
Oh and you know I'm an avid follower of your blog. Looking forward to more adventures in sailing and quilting!!!
Sally, if you do a post can you leave me a link? cannot find a blog or an email for you so cannot contact you! (same for Jo, first commenter!)
wow, I don't know how to blog, but can leave you my email address on here. By the way I am sewjo on the 'oldredbarn' site, so maybe you could get me through that, would that be better, please let me know. Jo
You must think you are writing to a computer idiot, but I think I have varified my google mail address, does this mean you can now contact me????
Hi Jo, yes knowing your flickr ID helps as I can flickr mail you now! (still can't thru google as your email is not on your profile but flickr is fine).
And don't worry.. I am still struggling myself with all the sites and their specific uses. I have the feeling I am doing several things 'the long way round' but if we all help each other we'll get there in the end!
Thanks for all your help. May be its because we are the same birth sign .. the best of course.
Congratulations on your 100th post!
Love your 'my town' idea! I will definately be having a go at this but not today as Edinburgh all grey and drizzly and not looking her best! Well done for managing 100 posts in less than a year! You really put me to shame with your levels of energy. You know some stuff about me but here's some more: I love my Wednesday morning Yoga class, I'm a huge Beatles anorak and a passionate foodie!
Hey there RM....still racking your brain trying to figure out what I'm working on?:)
Thanks for telling me about your giveaway and congrats on your
100th!! I have a long way to go to catch up!!
Well, let's see, I live in Virginia in good old USofA and I've been doing a lot of quilting, beading, crocheting, wood carving and mini basket making for the Christkindlmarket my daughter is organizing for the German Bistro she works for....and that same daughter is almost 99.9% postive she just got into Oxford Brookes for Grad School....not to far from your right?! I'll let you know when (hopefully)she gets her letter!!
hi marg!!!
your city is so beautiful! i sent you an email a bit ago. i am so happy to have met such a lovely person and enjoy talking about our common interests!! what a generous giveaway and congragulations on your 100th post. blogging is not an easy endeavor.
Hi, Susan from RI - I am a member of the quilt along on Flickr and have been to your website before to check out your stuff. I am so glad to be part of that flickr group, I love it. Since we started this quilt along, I have jumped in to teaching the split rail to some of the woman at my church, talk about feeling insecure, but then I can read all the great blogs like yours and I know that I am good at what I do. Congratulations on your 100th post, I tried a blog once, but I just never had the words to fill it, so I have a lot of admiration for people like you.
Hi Magueritte! Just writing to claim my extras entries for following, and for taking you on a tour of my area! I had such fun doing it, thanks for such a great idea. If anybody else wants to take the tour too, here is a link
Congratulations on 100 posts and thank you for the chance to win one of your great prizes!
I've lived for the past year near Omaha, NE, USA. We've just had our first "sticking" snow today, so about midnight I'll be out shoveling. I'm a beginning quilter, longtime sewer and crafter, dabbler in all, expert at none. I don't have a blog but often read those of other people. I rarely comment, though. Does that mean I'm a stalker?
Hmmm, something interesting about me...For the first half of my life I lived in a small town in Tennessee. Since I've been married (25 yrs) our family has moved fifteen times. Places we've called home include the Southeast, the East Coast, the West coast, the Gulf Coast and the Great Plains. Each place is beautifully different! But ask me later tonight (after shoveling snow) and I might tell you I'm ready to move again!
My Flickr name is Marblesbestfriend.
Now I'm a follower and won't be afraid to post every now and then. Just don't go packing up and moving!
Lovely giveaway - thanks!
I live in ATlanta, GA... I'm a knitter, crocheter, cook... and am trying to get more into sewing and maybe even tackle a quilting project. What I know of sewing I have basically taught myself, on a machine that belonged to my husband's grandmother (now 91 years old!).
Congrats on your 100th post! As you probably know, I live in Dunfanaghy, County Donegal in Ireland. I love to quilt, machine and hand felt, knit, and machine embroider. With the weather the way it is up here North, it is good to have hobbies to keep me happy and snug in our cottage by the sea.
What a wonderful giveaway!
I am also a follower of your blog, and really enjoy reading your posts!
I love that pink craft thing- holder. It looks as if it travels well.
I live in a little middle-agey town in Germany. At the moment we are having a christmas market. I sometimes sell Bratwurst there.
I don't know if that's so interesting, but at least it's not only Pick me!
But still, if you'd like, you could pick me.
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