I woke up this morning... looked out of the window....
and what did I see?
and LOTS of it!!!! Now we hardly ever get snow... so this is exciting stuff... and it seems as well as beautiful, largely disruptive!
London |
Moscow |
#00BFFF |
Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You're conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn't even suspect. Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right. Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation. |
Beautiful! I love in a very snowy climate but I still get such a charge from the first snowfall. I love it when it snows at night, it's so peaceful.
Oops, I mean I LIVE in a very snowy climate! But I guess I love here too so that is also correct.
Bwaaahahahaahaaaaa.....sorry to laugh but we woke up to 9" of snow and it is still snowing...we're supposed to get 12"-18" today, it will be a record snowfall for Dec for this area!!:)
Your snowfall is lovely as is your neighborhood. Great pictures...right now it is snowing too hard here to really get a good picture....when it slacks up I'll blog about it!:)
Have you started shopping yet?:)
I agree with DeeRoo - looks like a pretty normal winter scene in my neck of the woods! It has actually just started snowing really heavily here in Edinburgh and looks worse than your road after 10 mins!! Still exciting for you as I know you hardly get any snow way down south - enjoy!!
I know you guys are hardened in dealing with snow! but for us here it is a novelty! starting to thaw here a bit so can get the car down the hill again...
No...we aren't hardened....a couple inches of snow here closes schools because it is very hilly and steep around here....this snow is going to get the schoolkids on their xmas vacation sooner!:)
It looks lovely! And, just in time for Christmas too....I'm envious. We're having temps in the mid to high 70's. Lovely weather, but not very festive. Congratulations!
Oh that looks so beautiful. Maybe a White Christmas.
Saw your blog Dee! WOW!!! Started some foodshopping today..
Well..your town is already so BEAUTIFUL and scenic...the SNOW just made it even more so! How exciting!! Rafael must have had some cold tootsies! :D
How wonderful Marguerite, I would love to experience a white Christmas just once even, I cannot imagine it, but so lovely to see it through your eyes! Have a fabulous week leading up to Christmas! xo
It all looks so pretty and picturesque and those little paw prints are just cute. Does Rafael have one of those little coats to keep him warm in winter?
We still have about 10cm of snow, deep crisp and even as the song goes. I love the snow, but not sure about driving in it, good that we are home today... Just enjoy.
ahhhh....now we are both in the same boat (so to speak) i have fallen so far behind and this silly snow...well....wrecked my car. the husband wrecked my car...arrggg..i have just thrown my hands up..xmas presents they will be opening in february IF they are lucky....
oh yeah...the snow was 9" deep this weekend. a dusting is pretty but enough is enough and it is going to snow tomorrow or sometime silly before christmas. i am just glad my wedding was the week before!
Your town looks so lovely! As I write this, it is snowing outside here in Colorado -- but then, snow is not at all unusual for us! Looks like it's going to be a White Christmas.
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