In spite of the icy pavements, the postman managed to deliver some mail to our house and I was excited to find another little parcel!!
It was from Jo in Edinburgh... She had set me a little challenge, which was to guess which famous person was living in the house, a photo of which she posted...
I got it right!! (you want to play? check out her fabulous tour of where she lives... introducing blackford and morningside... and have a guess....) and she sent me a lovely handmade crochet broach with a handmade label attached.
Thanks Jo ! It is great and I will wear it with pride!
Jo and her husband have a shop in Edinburgh (which is also in the tour) as well as a shop in Glasgow and they are selling the most fabulous kitchens, furniture and homeware. If you want to have a look... HERE ... is the link!
I will certainly stop by if in Edinburgh Jo! Thanks for getting me a little surprise!
A lovely surprise parcel Marguerite! I had to ask Jo whose house it was.
I didn't want to say Catherine, just in case people like to guess themselves!!
Thanks Maguerite! Amazing our parcels arrived on the same day - must have passed each other on the M1! And thanks for keeping the name of the famous person secret - it is out of respect of her privacy more than anything.
That too of course Jo! You are so right!
What a wonderful surprise that must have been for you!
Enjoy it all and Merry Christmas!
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