The photos are still not up to scratch due to the dull weather and artificial light.... but here is a photo I took in October when I bought the fabrics and they were still on the bolt...
Thank you Jo, Susan, Karen and Terrie for all your input. Much appreciated! I will move things around again I think Karen, you are right. But for now I have taken the green out and replaced it with three other colours;
I have put the coral in, which is a gorgeous fabric from Oakshot. You cannot see it here very clearly but it has a very subtle strip in it that changes with the light. I have always loved these fabrics but never really used them yet.
I am about half way in sewing the pieced triangles now. Once I have done them all I will shuffle them about and get the best placement. The solid cloth triangles inbetween are all going to be the same fabric (5th from the top in the first photo).
For now it looks like this;
Still, the second finished triangle from the left is more the look I am going for but I think that once the spaces inbetween are filled in with the red fabric it would drown in just those colours so it will be good to have the cremes/greens and coral in... you guys agree?
Sorry again for the bad photo quality... here's hoping for nice sunny weather!
Oh and Susan... I have a pattern... so I follow it! that's the easy part... the stuff you are doing in making patterns up ... now THAT is hard!
As I said though in the last post... none of it would have been possible without learning the basics in such a wonderful way. I REALLY could not have done without all Dana's fantastic tutorials..
If you are at all unsure about patterns like this..and on how to make a quilt..... here are all her lovely tutorials;
Supplies You Will Need
Cutting Instructions
Sewing Your Blocks
Assembling Your Quilt Top
How To Free Motion Quilt
Binding Your Quilt
Reproduced here with kind permission from Dana! Thank you very much Dana, these have been my lifeline!
Oh well....I myself like the green since that is my favorite color but what you have is nice too. I do like the stripe.
Yes, would be nice to meet you in 2010 but we may not be able to afford to come over ourselves once we got our lovely over there!:) Right now she is still waiting for the letter and is getting nervous that it was all a dream!
I'm sure it will all be fine Dee! Who knows with airfares having great offers now and then.... It will be great for her!
I can see why you had to have those lovely reds mmmm......You've been very busy making up thos pieced triangles. Looking good and I think you've done the right thing taking the green away.
Oh, those reds are so pretty! That's such a beautiful quilt design for them - it's going to be stunning!
Oh, I heartily agree with your new fabric choices, Marguerite! And I adore shot cottons, yours is wonderful and I think it'll look great in this quilt!
Reds and creams is SUCH a wonderful look, reminds me some fabrics I have by 3 Sisters, I think it is.... very nice!
It's looking lovely! Really like the coral. You'll have it finished in no time!
I like your ultimate color choices. It is coming together nicely.
Thanks for being such a kind soul.
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