Some mail does get through to my house !! YAY!!! I got a lovely surprise parcel from my bloggy friend Evelyn of Use the Loot.
She is a dynamo once she starts making things and I am amazed and awed at all the quilts she makes for charity like project Linus. Not to mention the fantastic finds she makes at yardsales and then spreads to love by sharing her good fortune with us all!
Thank you Evelyn, for your friendship through the year and this amazing Moleskin notebook. I just LOVE the cover (as I think I told you before... ahum....) and I am so glad to be the proud owner of it now. I love that blue and beige together.
I have amongst my good intentions to start a quilters notebook to carry around and make notes of ideas I see. Just never got round to it... so this will be it!!
Thanks you so much. It is lovely!
ps... lovely tute on tote bags on Evelyn's blog now with a special incentive... check it out!!
Aw, you're so sweet. I'm so glad you like it, and it tickles me pink that you're going to use it for a quilter's notebook! I couldn't think of a better use for it. :-) And thanks for the tute mention - I hope to spread the bag love far and wide!!
You are welcome Evelyn. Hope it goes really well with the totes. They look fab!
I will have your notebook in my bag... I often have an idea and then make a 'mental note'.... If you know my woolly brained head most of those get lost!! ha ha ha .. so this will be perfect!
LOVE IT!!! The colors are so pretty!! Good for deserve something nice and surprises are the BEST!! :D
How nice Marguerite to recieve a surprise gift! I love it too.
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