Hey everyone! My 100th post !!!
(photo found in a forumthread, it's not mine.., if you know whose it is please mail me and I will give them credit gladly)Who would have thought I'd get to 100... and so quickly! Certainly not me!! When I started blogging I didn't know how to get past the first few as I thought I did not have anything to say.... (or to show....).
The difference with now is staggering! Looking back and taking stock I can see how I built up more confidence in my posts. Not in the least due to all you lovely peeps commenting and supporting me!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH to each and every one who has ever commented, emailed, encouraged, helped and cheered me up when I was down. It has been a fantastic first 100 and I am thankful for the good friends I have made online, the great support they have given me and the wonderful things they so generously send!
On the quilting front I have also improved and especially Dana and The Old Red Barn Co Quilting Group have made such a difference! I have moaned, they have put up with it and given me tireless and loving advice. I know so much more now!! I'm looking forward to rejoining the collective quilting effort. A fantastic group. Thanks all so much guys in there, especially the regulars, you know who you are ! (I'm not going to list for fear of missing someone! there are too many anyway....)
As a thank you for all your support I have put together the following, which is what you all want to know about:
First prize:

A Moda Jellyroll - Shangri-La
Second Prize;

A heavy canvas panel, suitable for panel in a tote or cushion.
Third Prize;

a Notebook and cover (this is just the one, front and back seen here)
Fourth Prize;

a small holder for little notions
Fifth and Sixth Prize;

a Nancy Halforsen Panel with 8 small squares depicting 'Love Is'.
Anyone is welcome to enter and gets one point (one chance) for a comment. I will print them, cut them up and stick them in a jar (not really a spreadsheet girl or software engineer.... so more of a hands on affair this time).
Extra points (and chances) can be earned by telling me about where you live as explained below.
All my followers can get one extra chance for following me, just make a separate comment to say you are a follower and actually still following (some of you are awfully quiet!)
All my regular commenters will get extra points commensurate with how often they have commented. You can see how it is much easier for me to print and cut than do a course in computer sofware.. I will add comments as they come in!
1) leave me a comment for one chance to win. preferably something I would like to read, like who you are, which crafts you like to do, something funny that happened today... which prize you particularly like... Anything rather than 'Pick Me!'.
2) leave me a separate comment if you do the following....;
You can earn 10 (that's right TEN!!) extra chances if you read my previous post on 'Introducing Ramsgate' and do a similar post on YOUR blog (leaving me a link) showing me where YOU live. It doesn't need to be a book... just a few photos and lines to show us around and give us a flavour of your surroundings. It would be GREAT to get to know you! (and I give you ten extra because I know it's a bit of a job... but it would be super if you could....)
(On this option you only have to leave one comment, I will read your entry and automatically add 10 chances to the jar.)
3) if you are a follower, give me a separate comment saying so and your extra point gets added.
4) if you are a regular commenter, your extra points for commenting are allready in the jar... there is a bit of a leaguetable on this (I have gone back and read and counted each and every comment) and the regular peeps are sticking out way above everybody else!
THANK YOU VERY MUCH to each and everyone of you. It is a privilige to have the opportunity to know you all and join you in all the fun we have online!
The giveaway will stay open till Saturday 12 December, to give you all a chance to get that camera out and snap away in your town! (or wood, or beach... etc etc...:-)
Last but not least; GOOD LUCK!!!
Update: Make sure you leave me a way to contact you! If I have no blog or mail address I cannot reach you !