Hi you guys,.. I've been taken over by "life" yet again.. It happens but it better not keep happening! I won't fill you in with the why's and wherefores, suffice to say that quilting has not been in the picture!
Still, I have been working on the catch-up with the Fresh and Funky Bee and still doing Vicky's elusive block. She sent me a list with titles, which need to be embroidered, then cut up, and put together with other (lovely!) fabric she sent me to make up the spines of books. Now I am not so good with this creative thing... I am much better with traditional blocks and 'know where you are at' stuff. This is one of the attractions of bee's; you are bound to be dragged out of your comfort zone!
However, just to show you I am indeed working hard at the bee blocks. It's just that this embroidery stuff takes absolutely forever. I thought I was nearly there... missed out one of the titles! (and a long one at that...)

So just to show you I AM really at it and catching up... here is a midflow progress report. Once I have embroidered the missing title, I will cut it all up and stitch it together again with the patterened bits of fabric. Not long now I hope as it has taken me over a month so far..