Hi everyone!
After my valiant attempt to get back in touch, I again disappeared into the fog.. so to speak.
Good news is that I have found a job! Really could use a good wage (and don't we all!) so some money coming in on the positive side.
Unfortunately, that also means that through the week, I have no time for sewing at all (what with travelling to and fro etc..). I am fortunate in that there is always someone home for the dog, only it's not me :-( and so my non-working time left to me is in the weekends. Where sewing is competing with admin, shopping, cleaning, washing, etc etc....
So.... I will be quiet yet again for a while but hopefully, once I get used to the different routine, I will have some more time for sewing and internet. I have had to empty my reader yet again without reading all the posts so please be patient with me and if you don't hear or think I don't love you all anymore, just drop me a line to say "hey, where you been? you ok?" and I will answer!! Just impossible to keep up with all the blogs at the moment.
As I had promised to steward at a concert this weekend, I found myself surrounded by the lovely tones of Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull. Never having heard much about them, I am now a total convert! Just check out their guitarist Florian Opahle... If you had asked me which was the best guitar virtuoso I had ever heard, I would have come with a predictable answer of someone like Paco de Lucia... well........ hold your breath and check this out.....
What's more, joining Ian, Florian and base guitarist David, were Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden and Justin Hayward - Moody Blues. It was simply incredible! Ian has two more Christmas Charity concerts to come on the 16th in Salisbury Cathedral and the 19th in Manchester, apart from the normal tour.
It was all together a great evening and if there is ever a chance to hear Florian (who is equally amazing in flamenco and classical guitar) I'd certainly do it!!
Here is an encore...