Whilst I am being absent doing some hard learning (man, is this stuff harder than when you are in your teens! you wouldn't believe it!!), I am definitely feeling the 'lurve' !!!
First I received a stylish blogger award from Hadley who blogs at Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle.

She has a lovely blog so if you are not here on a link from Hadley, go have a look! Thank you Hadley, sorry I am a bit late blogging about it (and not so many facts about me either... I will put my thinking cap on and do some in a later post).
Then I discovered I have been given a 'Bloggy Lurve' award by Leila of 'Where the Orchids Grow' fame ! Aaaaw... Leila.... thank you girl!! That is sooo sweet of you. I am blushing now being nominated twice in one week. You sent a new follower over too you know (welcome Marianne, I saw you joined, love your blog too!!), all exciting stuff!

If you haven't visited Leila before... you know what I am going to say... HERE is the link!! Leila has not been blogging long but she is very talented (and sweet) and is rapidly on the way to becoming one of our bloggy celebs. Stay tuned there !! (you heard it here first!)
Tadaaaaah..... DQS10 basic windows (still closed) have been steadily multiplying. Nearly there with the base and ready to start thinking which colours to put in the windows. That is going to be a lot of fun after doing all the (read... a LOT of the..) groundwork. Can't wait.. Hold on in there partner... it's getting there!
Back to the grind. Assignment due coming Tuesday... aaaaagh....
Going... going..... ok, ok, I'm gone...
(see you all soon) xoxoxo