Nearly there ! I bet you have never seen anybody make such a meal over a quite simple quilt! But I am nearly there, nearly all done!
I have completed the quilting!!
I am really pleased even though it is not all even everywhere, it was good giving it a first go! Anyone still scared... Go for it! You learn on the way. Especially with all the peeps over at Old Red Barn/Park City group giving advice !
Binding next. I have done that before so feel a lot happier about that... Last leg...
It looks GREAT!! I am so excited for you! Are you hand sewing the binding?
Thanks Lauranie! putting the binding on double by machine on the front, then folding it to the back and handsewing it on.
It looks great! One of these days I'm going to get brave enough to try free motion quilting on a quilt! From what I understand, it's hard to avoid those tucks on the backside. A friend told me that she uses invisible thread and stitches a grid in the ditch before stippling with her home machine. It works as extra basting and helps hold everything in place. Once the quilt is done you don't even see the grid.
Well done, it looks great! I'm not sure how you avoid those tucks. Happens to me too. Putting on the binding is like the home straight.
Looks great!!! And now, just think, of how much you have learned.
That quilt looks wonderful!!! I am new to your blog and love the picture of your dog on the sailboat at the top!! Adorable! I also love corresponding with someone from the UK, a country I have always been enthralled with. Maybe someday I can see it. Don't worry about the one will know but you! Looks great!!! Good Job!! Happy Sailing!. Come visit me at
It looks great! I think the puckers give it character. ;-) Can't wait to see this one all finished!
I'm a cheater when it comes to basting, and use the spray stuff. No puckers yet, but I've only done simple straight-line quilting on the larger ones, and all the free-motion stuff has been on smaller ones, so who knows.
Wow Marguerite it looks so lovely. When I lay out my 3 layers I then iron them from the middle outwards before I pin. This often helps. At least the tuck is a small when, when I first started quilting I almost had a handbag size tuck on the back!!! This is such a pretty quilt, where will it live? xo
Looks marvelous - congratulations again. I found your photos helpful to see what to do. My stipples are still a bit peaky but I am finished and onto to the binding which like you I am comfortable with.
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