I sent in the blocks I received to Lizzie, and many people sent their blocks direct..
In fact 123 of them !!!
Lizzie made this absolute beautiful quilt with a selection. She was overwhelmed with blocks and had enough for several quilts, so she made a front and a backing, then the rest were donated to the NZ earthquake appeal that Cat is taking part in. The horrible earthquakes in Christchurch NZ have affected many families and many families with children. So if your block has not been used in this particular quilt, it is going to a very good home and keeps on helping!
Just look at the quilt, isn't it beautiful??
And this is the back;
Rebecca Vollmann offered to do all the quilting and she has done a marvellous job with different patterns and colours of thread.
Lizzie listed a rollcall on the side of all the names and countries...
and made the most gorgeous label !
All and all an absolute masterpiece! I can't wait to hear what Sue's face looked like when she is receiving this. She has not received it yet as it is a long car journey for Lizzie but as soon as she can she will go and see her. However,I did not want to wait and show you the finished quilt now!
It's glorious Lizzie! A project well completed!
(all photo's courtesy of Lizzie and taken from her facebook)
Gosh, that quilt is so beautiful! I am practically in tears reading that amazing label too, what a wonderful thing Lizzie and you and Rebecca have done, it was so nice to see my name on the roll call too. I am sure this will mean so much to Sue and I love the whole sisterhood of quilting idea - this is what it is all about!
how beautiful!! Both the quilt and the story behind it, very moving.
This is an absolutely beautiful quilt and gift... I have goosebumps. Sure wish I saw the post to contribute - drats!
Thank you my special friend, it was a lovely quilt to make and with all the love in it from around the world it was always destined to be a great gift....
Hasn't this turned out so beautiful! Some gorgeous blocks in there. What a special gift!
It is a wonderful quilt, and it was an honor to be a part of such an incredible project!
I have just discovered your blog as a fellow Fat Quarterly winner - well done too! Your blog looks terrific - I have become an instant follower! Love this quilting tale - how wonderful people can be, when they want to be. x
So beautiful! Amazing what people can do when they come together. Lizzie has sone an amazing job in putting it all together.
Wow! It turned out so beautiful. Such an inspiring story to start my day.
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